Based on the experience acquired over the years, and a competence recognised at an international level, ALGERAC is part of a global approach of sharing know-how in the field of its activities.
Indeed, it is with the spirit that we will strengthen and sustain the national competence, and further professionalise the job of conformity assessment bodies that do we propose a wide range of inter-company training programmes in favour of assessors, experts, trainers, laboratory staff, and inspection and certification body staff who, at the end of a training cycle, obtain a participation certificate.
Objective :
Duration :
Programme :
Fees :
The pedagogical cost of training is 9 150 DA per day and per person (exclusive of tax) to which a 19% VAT is added.
Payment method :
BEA038- 88, Rue Hassiba Ben Bouali Alger
The objectives of training :
– Gaining understanding of the concepts and issues linked to the notions of risk and opportunity,
– Identifying the elements inherent to the process of addressing risks and opportunities,
– Using the process to optimise the management system,
– (Gaining understanding of) the notions of internal control mechanism and risk-mapping,
– Understanding raw risks and residual risks.
Duration :
Fees :
The pedagogical cost of training is 9 150 DA per day and per person (exclusive of tax) to which a 19% VAT is added.
Payment method :
BEA038- 88, Rue Hassiba Ben Bouali Alger
Objective :
Providing support to the upgrading of auditors with regard to the changes made to the new revision, and reminders with respect to auditing techniques.
Duration :
- Three (03) days: from 08:30 to 15:30
A welcome coffee offered
Lunch (additional cost)
Fees :
The pedagogical cost of training is 9 150 DA per day and per person (exclusive of tax) to which a 19% VAT is added.
Payment method :
BEA038- 88, Rue Hassiba Ben Bouali Alger
Objective :
Understanding and fully comprehending the requirements of the quality management of ISO 15189: 2012 in medical laboratories.
Duration :
Fees :
The pedagogical cost of training is 9 150 DA per day and per person (exclusive of tax) to which a 19% VAT is added.
Payment method :
BEA038- 88, Rue Hassiba Ben Bouali Alger
Objectives :
Duration :
Fees :
The pedagogical cost of training is 9 150 DA per day and per person (exclusive of tax) to which a 19% VAT is added.
Payment method :
BEA038- 88, Rue Hassiba Ben Bouali Alger
Objective :
Duration :
Programme :
Fees :
The pedagogical cost of training is 9 150 DA per day and per person (exclusive of tax) to which a 19% VAT is added.
Payment method :
BEA038- 88, Rue Hassiba Ben Bouali Alger
Objective :
Duration :
Fees :
The pedagogical cost of training is 9 150 DA per day and per person (exclusive of tax) to which a 19% VAT is added.
Payment method :
BEA038- 88, Rue Hassiba Ben Bouali Alger
Objective :
Duration ::
Fees :
The pedagogical cost of training is 9 150 DA per day and per person (exclusive of tax) to which a 19% VAT is added.
Payment method :
BEA038- 88, Rue Hassiba Ben Bouali Alger
Objectives : :
Duration :
Fees :
The pedagogical cost of training is 9 150 DA per day and per person (exclusive of tax) to which a 19% VAT is added.
Payment method :
BEA038- 88, Rue Hassiba Ben Bouali Alger
Que définissent les règles de décision ?
Les règles de décision définissent la manière dont l'incertitude de mesure doit être prise en compte lors de l'évaluation de la conformité des étalonnages et déterminent ainsi le risque maximal admissible d'une évaluation erronée.
Objective : :
Assimilating the requirements of accreditation standard.
Duration :
- Three (03) days: from 08:30 to 15:30
A welcome coffee offered
- Lunch (additional cost)
Fees :
The pedagogical cost of training is 9 150 DA per day and per person (exclusive of tax) to which a 19% VAT is added.
Payment method :
BEA038- 88, Rue Hassiba Ben Bouali Alger
Objective :
Training on the standard
Le référentiel d’accréditation ISO/IEC 17065 comporte des exigences portant sur les compétences, la cohérence des activités et l'impartialité des organismes de certification de produits, processus et services. La certification des produits, processus ou services a pour finalité d’assurer à toutesles parties intéressées qu'un produit, un processus ou un service remplit les exigences spécifiées.
Duration ::
Population concerned :
Download the registration form for training provided by ALGERAC [pdf]
Pour toute information complémentaire ou inscrption, merci de nous contacter :
– Phone : +213 (0) 44 31 74 23
– Fax : +213 (0) 44 31 82 20
– Mobile : +213 (0) 770 13 37 53
– E-mail : formation[a]