Ever since 2000 Algeria came to be aware of the need to set up an operational national accreditation body to adjust to the requirements of globalisation.
Operating under the authority of the Ministry of Industry, the Algerian Accreditation Body, ALGERAC, was established by Executive Decree No 05-466 of 6 December 2005, and is acknowledged by its peers as the only national organisation to have the power to deliver accreditations- following an evaluation based on international standards- in favour of conformity assessing bodies testifying their technical and organisational competence to provide services relating to testing, analysing, calibration, inspection, or certification.
Likewise, ALGERAC is periodically evaluated by its pairs (European Accreditation, EA), and operates with a management system based on international requirements that are in line with the standard ISO/CEI 17011. It is also committed to observing the three (03) fundamental criteria of impartiality, objectivity, and independence as required in that standard.
• Competence for testing and calibration laboratories ISO/IEC 17025
• Medical laboratories ISO 15189
• Inspection bodies ISO/IEC 17020
• Bodies providing audit and certification of management systems based on ISO/IEC 17021 standard
• Bodies certifying products, processes and services ISO/IEC 17065
• Bodies operating certification of persons ISO/IEC 17024 (Activity being launched)
• Proficiency testing ISO/IEC 17043 (Activity being launched)
Accreditation is the main tool to use to demonstrate the technical competence of a conformity assessment body (CAB), such as testing laboratories, analysis laboratories, and calibration laboratories, and inspection bodies and certification bodies (that involves assessing the safety and fitness for use of specific products and materials, a management system or person fulfill the certification requirements).
Accreditation is a non-profit-making activity; it ensures not only the free flow of products and services on the domestic, regional and international markets, but also contributes to increase the competitiveness of the national economy.
In order for ALGERAC to accomplish the missions that are assigned to it - those of ensuring confidence, independence and the competence of conformity assessment bodies (CABs) - I, the Director General of ALGERAC, am personally committed to :
- Make available to ALGERAC all the necessary means that enable it to act with complete objectivity, and be free from all forms of pressure, be they administrative, commercial, financial or others that are likely to affect impartiality in its decision-making process.
- Ensure the confidentiality of all information regarding the conformity assessment bodies, be they accredited or candidate to accreditation; except that which is authorised or prohibited by law, and after having duly notified the client.
- implement and make more efficient our management system based on policies and procedures stemmed from the requirements of ISO/IEC 17011 and applicable documents according to the requirements of EA (European Accreditation), ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation), IAF (Intyernational Accreditation Forum), ARAC (Arab Accreditation Cooperation), AFRAC (African Accreditation Cooperation), , and SMIIC (Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries); all this in order to maintain our recognition at the national, regional, European and international (ILAC) levels regarding the activities related to inspection, and testing and calibration laboratories.
- File three (03) requests for recognition to EU regarding the accreditation standards ISO/IEC 17021-1, ISO/IEC 17065 and ISO 15189 relating respectively to management system certification bodies, product certification bodies, and certification bodies of medical laboratory procedures and services.
- Together with my team, better meet the needs of the following interested parties: accredited conformity assessment bodies and their clients (producers, service providers, entrepreneurs, equipment installers, etc.), public institutions, consumers, as well as institutes of standardisation, metrology, research and development, and those in charge of innovation.
- Promote the accreditation operation for the benefit of conformity assessment bodies (CABs).
- Inform laboratories, accredited or candidate for accreditation, to take part in proficiency and inter-comparison testings scheduled by third parties.
- Ensure my team has the required competence and expertise to carry out the tasks assigned to it, which is committed to continuously improve its competence through regular training sessions.
- support the establishment of a multidisciplinary network involving accredited conformity assessment bodies (laboratories, inspection, certification) in order to disseminate good practices and harmonise competences.
- support the development of the national metrological competence to assist and give confidence to conformity assessment, and meet market needs.
- support our organisation in being more dynamic through technical committees EA/IAF/ILAC/ARAC/SMIIC/AFRAC in order to ensure normative watch.
I shall do all I can to organise, maintain and develop any relevant partnership with our foreign partners; directly and through international and regional organisations, and this with the aim of exchanging our experience and earning their trust.
The quality manager is responsible for assuring the implementation and maintenance of the management system, and reporting to the Director General on the pertinence and performance of the system and all possible need to enhance it.
ALGERAC, March 24, 2021
Director General