الهيئة الجزائرية للاعتماد

Organisme Algérien d'Accréditation

Algerian Accreditation Body

ALGERAC publishes documents that establish the requirements, policies and conditions linked to accreditation requests expressed by each type of conformity assessment bodies.

It is the same thing with international organisations, European Cooperation for Accreditation (EA) and International Laboratory Cooperation (ILAC) that publish mandatory documents and manuals applicable to different accreditation standards.

ALGERAC’s documents are indexed as shown below :

Laboratoires d’Essais

Laboratoires d’Etalonnage

Laboratoires Médicaux

Organismes d’Inspection

Organismes de Certification des Systèmes de Management

Organismes de Certification Produits, Procédés et Services
